Farm Life


    Mmmmm waffles and fresh strawberries for breakfast. We woke up and had a yummy breakfast before getting to work. We made our way out onto the trails. When we walked up to the Kawasaki, we discovered a flat tire. We had to unload the mule and brainstorm another way to get into the woods. We decided to go on another path and use the Jeep. We had to get creative but we found another path on the other side of the property that the Jeep would fit through. We arrived at the trail and had to hike our way in. We walked up to the plateau and began working. We were able to clear all the way to the stone wall which marks the property line. We moved our previous brush piles into one big one pile by the wall. We made significant progress on the area. I then left for school to get back for a tennis team dinner. 

Today hours: 3 hours

Total Hours: 45 hours


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